Partner with The WM7X Test Team!
ARRL Session Manager Stephen (WM7X) and his Volunteer Examiner (VE) TEAM, partner Amateur Radio Ham Clubs and Associations nationwide offering the administering of online video-supervised testing. Partnering with an existing friendly and positive test team, gives your club the ability to offer regular test sessions for your new members. Your club may promote your own testing, complete with nationwide exposure. You are encouraged to attend our administration of your exam sessions. 100% Paper-Free and Electronic In-person testing is also available, on touch screen tablets. Up to 20 applicants can be served in each test session! Each applicant typically is in and out of a test session in 15 minutes!
This option is available for persons not comfortable with the online environment. Our process employs rules for maintaining integrity of the testing environment.
Stop losing potential club members to others, referring them to other test sessions, or HamFests for their next exam. Test your interested ones RIGHT NOW!
Reach out to Stephen by emailing ! Learn more about how your club can be promoted nationally, advertising locally that YOUR club offers their own testing!